
May 12, 2020

Allows us to check a series of character for matches eg. emails

* - 0 or more matches + - 0 or 1 match ^ - matches the start of the string or line $ - signifies escape sequence . - matches any single character except new line () - captures a group that can be saved and used later + - 0 or 1 match | - used as a logic or inside a capturing [abc] - character set. matches one of the things in the brackets [^abc] - negated character set, matches anything except the ones in the bracket. [a-zA-Z] - matches all upper and lowercase letters, you can specify any range {1} - exact one number of matches, comes after a set of group {1,5} - inclusive range for number of matches {1, } - maximum number of matches { ,5} - maximum number of matches \s - matches any whitespace character \d - matches any digit same as [0-9] \D - matches any non digit w - any word character same as [a-zA-Z0-9] W - any non-word character same as [^a-zA-Z0-9] b - word boundary B - non-word boundary \b - escape sequence for a backspace character u0404 - 4 digital unicode hex value for a character \t - matches tab character only \d -- - matches only digit character d-- - matches d character

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Written by Davis Bwake A fullstack developer who likes JavaScript and everything web 3.0(BlockChain..) follow me on twitter

My tech stack is HTML, CSS,JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Solidity

Am currently open to remote job oppurtunities.

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