learn TypeScript

January 03, 2021

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that extends JavaScript by adding types. It supports es6+ features, contains static typing and other features. It saves you time by catching the errors before you run the code. It was released in 2012 by Microsoft.

Typescript compiles down to JavaScript. Install typescript compiler globally from npm.

sudo npm install -g typescript

Create a .ts file and open it in your favorite code editor eg. main.ts

let greetings = "Hello World";

Compile the typescript code down by opening the terminal then run

tsc "your filename"
tsc main.js

This creates a .js file in the same directory with the same name and writes the javascript code from our typescript file.

You can use -w flag to watch the file during development so that you don’t have to recompile the code every time you save your code.

tsc main.js -w

Suppose you have multiple typescript file in thw src and you want to compile all the file to the public folder

this creates a ts-config file

tsc --init

Edit the generated file according to your preferred configurations

target: "es6",
rootDir: "./src",
outDir: "./public",

Suppose You want to compile files from the src to the public.Add the line at the end.

"include", ["src"]

Types in Typescript

Once you declare a variable type you cannot re-assign it with a different type eg sub a string with an integer.

You can’t add additional properties to an object that wasn’t defined.You can re-assign an object but it should have the same structure as defined before. An array only accepts the types of data defined with initially. ie you can’t push a number in an array of strings.

let name = "Bwake";
//Explicit type
let name2: string = "Davis";

let num = 20;
let num2: string = 21;

let isHot = true;
let isCold: boolean = false;

let id: number = 5;
let company: string = "Bwake Group";
let isPublished: boolean = false;
let x: any = "hello world";

//more than one possible type variable
let id: string|number;

let names = ["Davis", "Austin", "Williams" ];
let names2: string = ["Davis", "Austin", "Williams" ];
let ids: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
//mixed arrays
let mixed = ["Reactjs", 2021, true, 420];
let arr: any[] = ["hi", true, 5];

let mixed2: (string| number| boolean)[] = ['hey', 420, true];

let person: [number, string, boolean] = [1, "hello", true];

//Tuple Array
let employee: [number, string][];

employee = [
    [1, 'John'],
    [2, 'Jane'],
    [3, 'Doe']

any type. A variable can be any type in future.

let age: any = 21;
age = true;
age = "Hi";
age = {fName: "my FirstName"};

const mixed: any[] = [];


let sayHi = () => {

let sayHello: Function;

sayHello = () => {

const add = (a: number, b: number, c?: number| string, d: number| string = "10") => {
    console.log(a+ b);
    return a+ b;
//c and d are optional parameters

let result = add(3,42);


function addNum(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x + y;


// Void

function log(message: string | number): void {


Function signatures

Specifying the function a variable can hold.

//A void function returns nothing
let sayHi: (a:string, b:string) => void;
sayHi = (name:string, greeting:string) => {
    console.log(`${name} says ${greeting}`);

let calculate: (a: number, b: number, c: string) => number;

calculate = (num1: number, num2: number, action: string) => {
    if(action === "add"){
        return num1 + num2;
    } else {
        return num1 - num2;

let logDetails: (obj: {name: string, age: number}) => void;

type person = {name: string, age: number}
logDetails = (newObj: person) => {
    console.log(`${newObj.name} is ${newObj.age}`)

Type Alias

type StringOrNumber = string | number;

const greet = (uid: StringOrNumber, username: string) => {
    console.log(`${uid} - ${username}`)


// Type Assertion

let cid: any = 1;
// let customerId = <number>cid
let customerId = cid as number


let myObject: {
    name: any,
    age:  any

myObject = {name: "Davis", age: 30}
let myObject = {
    language: "Swahili",
    age: 21,
    likesCoffee: true


let myObject2: object = {
    language: "English",
    age: 8,
    likesCoffee: false

let myObject3 = {
    language: string,
    age: number,
    likesCoffee: boolean
myObject3 = {
    language: "English",
    age: 10,
    likesCoffee: true

//Objects  and types
type User = {
    id: number,
    name: string

const user: User = {
    id: 1,
    name: "John"

type Point = number | string;
const p1: Point = 1;


Typecasting and interacting with the DOM

const a = document.querySelector('a');

if(a) {

const a2 = document.querySelector('a')!;


const form = document.querySelector('form')!;

const form2 = document.querySelector('.form-container') as HTMLFormElement;

const select = document.querySelector('#select') as HTMLSelectElement;

const input = document.querySelector('#input') as HTMLInputElement;


class Invoice {
    client: string;
    details: string;
    amount: number;

    constructor(c: string,d: string,a: number) {
        this.client = c;
        this.details = d;
        this.amount = a;

    format() {
        return `${this.client} owes $ ${this.amount} for ${this.details}`;

const invoice = new Invoice("Davis", "building a smart contract", 500);

interface ManInterface {
    sayName(): string

class Man implements ManInterface{
    private id: number; // makes property private to the class. protected
    name: string;

    constructor(id: number, name: string) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name

    register() {
        return `${this.name} is now registered`;

    sayName(): string {
        return `The user's name is ${this.name}`

const dave = new Man(1, "Dave");


class Employee extends Man {
    position: string;

    constructor(id: number, name: string, position: string) {
        super(id, name);
        this.position = position;


const emp = new Employee(36, "Steve", "Developer");


enum Direction {




function getArray<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
    return new Array().concat(items)

let numArray = getArray<number>([1,2,3,4])
let strArray = getArray<string>(["Jane", "Doe"])

const last = <T>(arr: Array<T>) =>{
    return arr[arr.length - 1];

const l = last([1,2,3]);

const l2 = last<string>(["a", "b", "c", "d"]);

const makeArr = <T, Y = number>(x:T, y:Y) => {
    return [x];

const v = makeArr <number, number>(5,6);
const v2 = makeArr("a", "b");
const v3 = makeArr(8, "d");
const v4 = makeArr<string| null>("a", 7)

const makeFullName = <T extends { firstName: string, lastName: string}> (
    obj: T
) => {
    return {
        fullName: obj.firstName + " " + obj.lastName;

const v5 = makeFullName({firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"}, age: 22);


let pid: string | number;
pid = 22;


// Interfaces

interface PersonInterface {
    readonly id: number //set to readonly
    name: string
    age?: number // optional

const person2: PersonInterface = {
    id: 34,
    name: "Jane"

interface MathFunc {
    (x: number, y: number): number

const add: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x + y;
const subtract: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x - y;

Profile picture

Written by Davis Bwake A fullstack developer who likes JavaScript and everything web 3.0(BlockChain..) follow me on twitter

My tech stack is HTML, CSS,JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Solidity

Am currently open to remote job oppurtunities.

Checkout my projects
