- Linux
- Visual studio code
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Figma
- Android studio
- Intelij idea
- Postman
- Git and Github
- NPM or yarn
Building Blocks
- User Interface(UI) User Experience(UX) Design
- HTML5 - semantic elements
- CSS3 - css grid, css flexbox, css custom properties, css variables, transitions
- Responsive design - viewport, fluid width, mobile first, media queries, rem over px
Custom pre-processors
- Sass - variables, nesting, conditionals
CSS Frameworks
- Tailwind css
Vanilla JavaScript
- Fundamentals - variables, data types, functions, objects, arrays, conditionals
- Document Object Model(DOM)
- JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)
- Fetch API and AJAX
- Axios
- Web API’s
- Modern ES6+ javascript
- Webpack or parcel for module bundling
JavaScript Framework
- Reactjs
- Graphql
- Rest
- Redux - state management library
Progressive Web Apps(PWA)
- Looks great on all screen sizes
- Offline content with service workers
- Installable
- Splash screen
- Reliable fast and engaging
Nextjs - server-side rendering
- Better SEO
- File system routing
- Automatic splitting
- static exporting
Gatsbyjs - static site generator
- Better SEO
- Data fetched from files during build time
- Plugin system
- Graphql for data
- Headless CMS - contentful, strapi
- JAMSTACK(JavaScript API and Markup)
- Static typing
- Good tooling with intellisense
- Modules
- Classes
- Compiles to clean javascript
- Nodejs - expressjs
- Python
- Go lang
- Rust lang
- Web Assembly
- Databases - SQL,NOSQL
Blockchain Development
- Networks - Ethereum, Binance smart Chain, Polygon
- Solidity - smart contract language
- Web3js - javascript API for ethereum
- GETH - Ethereum client
- Truffle - smart contract framework
- Openzeppelin - smart contract library
- Test blockchains - ganache, rinkeby, kovan goerli, ropsten
- Infura or alchemy - Ethereum nodes as a service
- Ethereum Naming Service(ENS) - domains
- Etherscan - looking for ethereum transactions
- Swarm
- Whisper
Android development
- Java
- Kotlin
- React Native
Desktop development
Electron - uses nodejs and chromium
- High security
- High performance
- Accessibility
Deployment and DevOps
- Domain registration eg. Namecheap
- Managed hosting eg. hostgator
- Static hosting eg. netlify
- SSL certificates
- Web Servers - Nginx, Apache
- AWS,Google Cloud, Digital Ocean
- Heroku
- Docker and Kurbenetes